Maggie Hardy Knox

84 Lumber Company

Maggie Hardy Knox CEO 84 Lumber Company

Within a year of taking over 84 Lumber Company from her father and founder, Joe Hardy, Maggie Hardy Knox refocused the company and was able to top a billion in sales as she led 84 Lumber to lock in on the professional market. Like her father, Knox is known for her vigorous approach and bold goals which have made 84 Lumber the successful company it is today. Beginning at the age of seven, Knox accompanied her father on countless business outings instilling in her the belief that nothing is impossible with dedication and hard work. Knox took over 84 Lumber when she was just 26, but there was she proved herself to be business savvy and tough when it came to making decisions. Today, Knox’s goal is making 84 Lumber an industry leader by unlocking all its potential and never backing down from challenges.

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