Lilly Donohue

Holiday Retirement Corp.

Lilly Donohue CEO Holiday Retirement Corp.

As CEO of Holiday Retirement, Lilly Donohue is helping seniors live better by reinventing the corporation into an environment that better suits productivity levels and success of her employees. Shifting from a real estate-based business to a service-based business model required Donohue to retrain Holiday Retirement employees to invest more time into building strong relationships, experiences and people. Donohue presents herself as less of a C-Suite executive, and more of a coach whose job is to inspire, motivate and provide valuable insight to teach the people that work under her to implement lasting change. She seeks out people who are smart, creative, and strategic thinkers who are able to adapt quickly and take necessary risks when optimal for the overall success of the company. Under her leadership, Holiday Recruitment was named as a Great Place to Work and was included in Fortune’s 50 Best Workplaces for Aging Services list.

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